Athens International Airport (AIA) is widely considered to be one of the most sustainable airports in Europe. It has numerous ambitious initiatives to reduce their environmental impact and minimize their contribution to climate change. It has already achieved many of their goals, such as reducing their CO2 footprint by 60% between 2005 and 2021. Athens International Airport is currently on the final stages of its Route 2025 initiative, hoping to be net carbon zero by the end of the year.

What is Route 2025?
Athens International Airport announced an initiative in 2019 to achieve net carbon zero by the year 2025. This was 25 years earlier than their anticipated plan of achieving net carbon zero by 2050. However, the Route 2025 initiative has reached its final stages as of this year. The initiative provides a detailed road-map for AIA to self-produce 100% of clean, renewable energy on the grounds of the airport.
The project also explores options for reducing emissions caused by the airports vehicle fleets, their boilers and their emergency generators. In 2021, AIA replaced its diesel and gasoline vehicles with Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV) and Hybrid (EV) vehicles. The airport will power its heavy duty vehicles with 100% bio-diesel. AIA will replace its boilers with 100% bio-diesel and renewable natural gas and is also considering heat pumps as replacements. The Route 2025 initiative is currently in its final stages, and will hopefully achieve net carbon zero by the end of this year.

What other sustainability goals have AIA achieved?
Athens International Airport was among the first airports to earn Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) when it first launched in 2009. The ACA is a global carbon management program that assesses and recognizes the efforts of airports to reduce their carbon footprint. As of 2016, AIA is the only airport in Greece with a Neutral Carbon Balance. The airport also has the largest photovoltaic power plant in Greece, which currently produces at least 45% of its electricity. A photovoltaic power plant harnesses sunlight and converts it into electricity using solar panels. Additionally, Route 2025 is expected to bring Athens International Airport to net carbon zero by the end of this year. These initiatives highlight AIA’s commitment to sustainability, reinforcing its position as one of Europe’s most sustainable airports.
Do you think Athens International Airport will achieve net carbon zero by the end of this year?