The Cinema is full of some incredible scenes that take place in airports. To be at an airport that is also where your favourite movie was filmed is hugely exciting. Welcome to the first in our series of ‘Airport Cinema’: A look at some of the airports shown in films across the world’s cinema!
Leipzig in Popular Culture
When you think of the airport you would be forgiven if you did not immediately think about huge blockbuster films. But in fact the airport is home to an epic fight scene that takes place in the Captain America: Civil War. Yes that’s correct, Germanys 11th largest airport is home to one of the largest battles in the largest film franchise of all time. Some boast.

The location is perhaps most recognisable in the film during the fights scenes which take place within the terminal. If you closely you can spot the airports logo several times in the film. Most of the scene was shot on location, while additional footage was filmed at Pinewood Atlanta.
As the heroes become divided, the runaway becomes the setting of a huge fight, with characters having to pick a side between Captain America and Iron Man. The airport is now a part of cinema history, being the location of Spiderman’s first appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
While the comic book characters hold nothing back as they fight one another, the biggest casualties of the battle has to be the poor innocent planes and airport windows that become collateral damage to the squabbling superheroes brawl. While I am yet to receive written confirmation from Marvel Studios, I would like to imagine that the use of CGI in the franchise can mean I can safely say that no planes were harmed in the making of this film.
This is not the airports big screen debut. It was featured in the 2004 Jodie Foster Film ‘Flightplan’. Within the film Foster’s flight is supposed to have departed from Berlin. But eagle eyes viewers and airport enthusiasts will notice that all the shots of the airport are actually of Leipzig/Halle. An airport acting as another airport? Is there a new Oscar category on the horizon?
The check-in area of the film also features in the 2011 film ‘Unknown’. You would be forgiven if you missed this, or much like Liam Neeson’s lead character, forgotten it altogether.

About Leipzig/Halle Airport
Leipzig/Halle Airport is an international airport located in Saxony, Germany, and serves the cities of Leipzig, Saxony, and Halle, Saxony-Anhalt. It is Germany’s 11th largest airport by passengers and handled more than 2.61 million passengers in 2019 mainly with flights to European leisure destinations. When not used as a film location, the airport is home to several carriers including Austrian Airlines, Condor, Lufthansa and Eurowings to name but a few.
So if you find yourself traveling to or from Leipzig/Halle airport have a look around and see if you recognise anything from the movies. Just keep an eye out for any squabbling superheroes!
What other movie set locations do you know based at airports? Leave your suggestions for Part II in the comments below!