The head of Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsiya) has been hospitalised after falling off his bike, undisclosed sources report via Telegram. Alexander Neradko was taken to intensive care this week with multiple bruises and fractures. The news comes shortly after a high-level corruption was exposed within the agency, involving figures under Neradko’s supervision.
Injuries Sustained
Neradko was diagnosed with fractures of the ribs and pelvis; and heavy bruising, including hematomas on his face. When asked exactly how the fall happened, the Rosaviatsiya head was unable to explain. The source reports he is in a stable condition after undergoing necessary surgery for his injuries.

In a statement made to state-owned media outlet RIA Novosti, the agency denies that Neradko has been hospitalised, commenting, “The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency is on sick leave. He is undergoing a course of rehabilitation. The facts in the media about the operation do not correspond to reality,”
Earlier this year, Neradko was implicated in a major corruption case involving the agency, which Travel Radar covered in March. Allegations were bought against Head of State Air Traffic Management Igor Moiseenko for siphoning large sums of money out of the government.
Corruption Case
It is said Moiseenko handed out high-paying jobs to friends and relatives who did not perform any role within the company. Additionally, key positions within the organisation were given to individuals with connections to the Russian technology industry, allowing Moiseenko to embezzle money through equipment purchases.
It is estimated that he was able to siphon 800 million Rubles (~ £11.5 million) from the company through these deals, though the damage done to the company is said to be in the billions.
An anonymous complaint concerning Moiseenko’s actions was sent to Neradko, the head of Rosaviatsiya. Screenshots of the complaint were widely circulated on social media. Telegram sources report that President Putin was made aware of the situation and sought to replace Neradko as a result.
Rosaviatsiya says that Neradko is still overseeing the agency whilst on sick leave and is in constant communication.