Autism is a spectrum of conditions affecting over 700,000 (that’s 1 in 100) people in the UK, and 78million worldwide (1% of the world’s population) and for many on the spectrum, travelling can be difficult.
Earlier this week, Learningrose was proud to unveil a partnership with British Airways, leading to the airline being the first “autism friendly” dubbed airline. Travel Radar Media found out a little more:
Content from Guest Contributor, Rebecca Taylor from Learningrose:
“Learningrose” is delighted to announce that our “airport journey and in-flight information cards” are now being used by British Airways and can be found on every aircraft in their fleet in a digital format and are being used by the British Airways cabin crew.
British Airways is the only UK airline to receive the autism friendly award from the National Autistic Society UK, of which our work represents part of this accolade.

The cards are word and picture social stories that are multifunctional, age appropriate, help nervous passengers and are multi-disability friendly. They are also being used by the fear of flying team to help passengers who are scared or nervous of flying to overcome this fear. The “cards” can be used as hardcopy or digitally with all of the appropriate logos and advertising.
Although these cards/app have been developed for airlines and airports in mind, they can be written, adapted and adjusted to a wealth of different settings and scenarios. e.g. different types of transport, cruises, buses, trains and many everyday and lifestyle settings, visiting the supermarket, cinema, doctors or dentists, going to the park or playground or having a meal in a pub, restaurant or other eatery. It will also assist with awareness of traffic and road safety along with stranger danger.
The cards or app can be purchased as individual or whole journey sets and can be used by either the person with the diagnosis, carer, parent or friend

We here at Travel Radar are proud to hear of the achievements of Learningrose and carrier, British Airways, and hope to see more carriers follow suit!
For further details and prices, please email: [email protected]