Aviation has seen significant advancements with time. In present times, air travel is one of the safest forms of transport, even though early aviation was characterised by many mishaps because of a lack of laws and technological constraints.

Aviation Accident Over Time
Early Years of Aviation
The early decades of aviation were rife with accidents because of the lack of air traffic management, primitive aircraft designs, and a lack of understanding of aerodynamics. Aircraft technology advanced quickly during World Wars I and II.
The (1950s–1970s) Jet Age
The 1950s saw the advent of jet engines, which significantly altered aviation safety. Accident rates started to drop as commercial aviation grew quickly. However, several high-profile incidents in the 1960’s and 1970’s, like the 1977 airport tragedy in Tenerife, brought attention to the necessity of better crew coordination and air traffic control.
From the 1980’s to the Present
The safety of aircraft has significantly improved since the 1980’s. The number of accidents per million flights has continuously decreased by improving pilot training, more stringent regulatory control, and technological developments. According to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), there were roughly 30 mishaps for every million departures in 1970. By 2020, there was less than one accident per million exits.
A Look at Statistics for Safety in the Future
Global aviation accident rates are still falling. In aviation history, 2023 saw the fewest deadly accidents, according to the Aviation Safety Network (ASN). Higher safety standards are anticipated in the upcoming decades due to continuous developments in autonomous flight systems, predictive maintenance, and artificial intelligence.
The development of safety procedures, laws, and technology is reflected in the history of aviation accidents. How do you see aviation accident rates over time? Let us know in the comments!